Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sweet Breakfast Delight with Pear

10 months ago, My husband Brent and I splurged on a Breville Juicer. My friend Erica is a juice fanatic and got us interested.  It went well for the summer but slowly it became less and less of a focus and more of a nusiance to clean.   Here I sit, 20 pound heaver and not so happy as swimsuit season fast approachs. I find that although I live in the South, I suffer from Seasonal Depression. Growing up in Florida, it has been hard to adjust living outside of Florida.  But this time I am serious about getting healthy and changing my lifestyle, so we broke out our old (new) juicer for a breakfast delight.  I made yet another juicing mistake just like a rookie, I put way to many fruits and the juice was SWEET! Too sweet to be exact. With carrots being on the sweet side, I should have only used 1 apple and 1 pear.  This is why I decided to start this blog. Not only so I could rememer juice mixes I like (and those that are nasty!) and share the things I learn.  Its important to be mindful of the amount of calories you are taking in while jucing. If you aren't carefully you can end up gaining weight and not loosing it!

Sweet Breakfast Delight with Pear Recipe:
3 Large Carrots
2 Pears
2 Apples
1 Large Cucumber
2 Large Stalks of Broccoli
Small chunk of cabbage
Estimated calories = 500 calories

This produced about 32 ounces of juice which we split evenly and put on ice! I love to drink mine with a straw. Its bright orange but is not carroty! s

Happy Juicing!